Like many great things, it started with a chat over coffee.

The story begins in the offices of our parent company, Purple Line, a leading manufacturer of caravan accessories such as caravan movers and levelling aids. Director Jonathan and Product Design Manager Stuart were discussing the fact that the potential audience for their wonderful designs is less than 1% of the population.

Surely, they thought, there are plenty more people out there who love travel and who want the freedom to just pack up and go, but just don’t want a caravan? Let’s be honest, caravan aren’t exactly “cool”; they hardly fire the imagination and inspire dreams of adventure (more likely images of chintzy curtains and scary towing experiences). What’s more, they are big beasts to store all year round.

Tents, by contrast, just seem to be lacking in that little bit of luxury. You’re too close to the ground, and they feel a bit temporary. What’s needed, they thought, is a “canvas caravan” – something spacious, comfortable and fully-equipped that neatly folds into a compact and easy-to-tow trailer.

This conversation soon led to sketches (and more coffee). Enthusiasm grew. Sketches became prototypes. The prototypes went into production, and the rest, as they say, is history. And not a chintzy curtain in sight.

“Perfect for those looking for more luxury but still prefer canvas to a hermetically sealed box.”